Lower Your Energy Bill Now! Sign Up for a Home Energy Audit Today and Save!
2022 Inflation Reduction Act Savings
—Get a 30% tax credit twoard the cost of installing energy efficient insulation in your home
—Get up to $1,200 in rebates after a Home Energy Audit with us
Contact Us today to take advantage of the Inflation Reduction Act and learn how much money you can save!
Sign Up Here and Get Your Home Energy Audit—Save $100
Kind Words from Our Clients
We’ve had the pleasure of providing many Kansas City homeowners with a Home Energy Audit that resulted in huge savings.
Here’s what a few of them had to say about working with us…
Your report is great, very professional, and captures all the points we discussed. We are looking forward to talking to your contractor about having the air sealing work done. Thank you very much for your time and professionalism in your process. We look forward to working with you to complete the overall process.
Ben, I have been meaning to get back with you for several weeks to tell you that I really appreciate the work you did on the survey and, especially, follow-up and the paperwork. As a result, I have received nearly $1900 in rebates. With Christmas coming up, that will be real handy. Again, THANKS for all you did!
Hey Ben, we got all of the rebates! Thank you so much for your help. I am so thankful for all of your help and advice in helping us make our house more energy efficient. This was truly a straight forward process. It is not very often you meet people/companies like yours that truly have your best interest in mind. Thanks again!

Why You Need A
Home Energy Audit
Download Our FREE Guide To Discover The Top 5 Reasons You Need A Certified Home Energy Audit!